*Mana crystal* is a crystalline rock that is named after its ability to store dense mana. Mana crystals naturally trap mana that enters them, therefore they store mana, and naturally produce mana suction, once they have accumulated enough mana to cause the phenomenon. Wherever large mana crystal veins run through the earth, the surroundings also have dense mana due to the suction the mana in these stones causes. This leads to a concentration of atmospheric mana around large mana crystal veins, and virtually absent atmospheric mana in regions without mana crystal veins. If a charged mana crystal is crushed, it emits all the contained mana in an explosion, and mana crystals can be used as shrapnel bombs and explosive missile heads. *Mana ore* is a metal ore that is a great conductor for mana. Like mana crystals, mana ore does not actually attract mana on its own, however, upon contact with mana crystals, it allows the mana to flow out freely. Thus, magic tools are built with mana ore circuits, and powered by mana crystals. To activate the flow of magic, the mana ore is brought into contact with the magic crystal, like a switch.